Junie B. Jones Takes on College

What I Did

Since my last post, I have purchased the original text on Amazon and reread it. I almost forgot how much Junie B. Jones books make me laugh. The signature language in the Junie B. Jones books is what sets it apart from the rest. I intend to keep some of the “kindergarten language” even though I plan on making Junie B. Jones in college in my remix. I want to keep this nonsense language because it is funny, and it is a trademark of Junie B. Jones that I want to keep. The book is fairly short, so I plan on using the entire text to portray my social media story. Today, I also made several fake Facebook statuses, and I pulled pictures from http://www.juniebjones.com for the character’s profile pictures. I also created a fake Instagram for this project. I plan on utilizing Instagram heavily along with Photoshop, Twitter, and Facebook.

Why I Did It

I think it is important to keep the theme of the “kindergarten language” at least somewhat throughout the project. I will not use it through the whole project, but I want to keep it because it keeps a sense of the originality. I do not want to lose the original story in my remix. Since I want to pull a lot of different social media sites together, I created some fake Facebook statuses together. I want each character to be represented through Facebook statuses. Since there is a lot of bickering between best friends in this book, I want to create the infamous passive-aggressive “I’m gonna call you out without actually calling you out” statuses. I also created a fake Instagram, so that I can communicate with “friends” (probably passive-aggressively, again). Basically, I want the entire theme of this project to feel sassy and angsty. I can’t wait to portray teenage Junie B. Jones!