a rough sketch (storyboard)


What I did?
Today I created a storyboard, I apologize for the lack of artistic talent, there’s a reason I’m a professional writing major and not an art major. Check below. I also wrote out the dialogue that I need my friend to say out loud for one of the scenes, and then the dialogue I will be saying.

Why I did it?
I needed to makes sure I had a draft of the structure of the “preview” or commercial that I’m creating. It helped to write out the different scenes, as I had broken them up into 12 sections, and made sure to include the parts I had already made and then those I still had to film. I also reminded myself to include a “CREDITS” page at the end so I could make sure to put Erin’s name in there, as well as sites I used in order to make the fake twitter, photos, etc. Writing out what we were going to say allowed me to re-tell the stories of Cinderella and Ariel with a bit of a twist because they’re actually college-aged students. I feel more on track after creating a story board.


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