Here’s what I did today:
Today I didn’t do much other than search for the specific audio clips I want to include in my remix video. I wound up finding one of the Star Spangled Banner, one of God Save the Queen, and another of a remix of Lana Del Rey’s song, National Anthem.
Here’s why:
I chose an original version of the Star Spangled Banner, as it is the topic of my remix and I want to make it fade in loudly as an outro for the video. I chose and downloaded God Save the Queen (aka My County Tis’ of The) as it is noted as one of the first songs to be used as an anthem for the United State, so Franny will be talking about it in the video and I thought including it would be fitting. Lastly, I chose a remix of Lana Del Rey’s song National Anthem because I’m subscribed to numerous vlogs on YouTube, which I’ve noticed have been using cool remixes of song as intros lately. I thought it would be a fun spin on the content of the video and would also help me achieve my goal of presenting the story in a modern context, so I plan on including it in the video.