4/20 Progress

What I did…

Today we signed up for presentation slots and continued to work on our project. I continued to design my animation. Two of the big things that I was able to get done was the Warner Bros logo, which was painstaking, and creating fire from vectors. I actually enjoyed designing the fire because I felt like it was done in a particular style that I hope to continue throughout the rest of the design work for this title sequence. I also began working on the most detailed scene at the very end of the title sequence that I know will take a lot of pressure off my project down the line.

Why I did it…

I didn’t realize how much I would be working in Illustrator for this project. I actually prefer working in Illustrator compared to Flash, as I am more used to the tools and can get work done faster than if I was working just in Flash. Also, in Flash objects get confusing when you start adding a lot of different elements. So, making more complex vectors in Illustrator and grouping them together I can simplify them to one object before transferring to Flash.

Still have not started an animation :( Oops..

Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 6.59.40 PM Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 6.53.56 PM

Some of the work I have been doing in Illustrator