Remix A Story Peer Review Feedback & Revision Plan

  • What were the strengths of my draft that I should be sure to keep?

Organization of the Pinterest account.

  • What design choices were problematic and how can I revise these?

Since I am using Pinterest everything is organized a clean, neat fashion. Combining different boards by moving the the pins from one board to the other. This can be done by using the “move board” button and then the pins from one board are transferred to the other.

  • What rhetorical choices seemed out of place in my draft and how can I better attend to my audience, purpose, context, and genre?

Some of the boards, such as music and invitations seem like they will be difficult to find content. They will be more focused on modern time elements and what is included during Christmas dinner.

  • What multimodal elements can I add or revise to strengthen the rhetorical effect and credibility of my project?

I am providing links with the pictures so the audience knows where the information came from. To enhance credibility I am getting most of my information from external sources such as, the library or databases.

  • What are the most important changes I need to consider as I revise?

Adding enough content to all the boards for the audience to have their own Christmas dinner.

  • What can I reasonably revise before the next due date? What else would need revision that I don’t have time to complete, but should?

Finding more content for all the boards. Research in depth everything that took place at George Washington Christmas dinner at Mount Vernon so every detail is represented.