Strengths of draft: Overall the strengths were that the website looked similar to a news website with flashy texts and it was visually dynamic for the audience. They liked how it looked, and the overall theme of the website. They liked the text layout, and they thought the texts all made sense, and thought that it was generally a creative remix.
Problematic design choices: The design of the website is a bit plain, and may need to be spiced up a bit to add more interesting elements, making it more website-like. Similarly, underneath the texts, I may want to add a more clear explanation. Adding more linguistic elements may help theĀ audience understand the context better.
How to better attend to audience, purpose, context, and genre: I need to remember that not everyone knows this book, so as part of the website I am going to include a written summary of the book, writing how the author got it wrong, and that Mrs. Driver wasn’t actually the bad guy, it was just her husband (as the book paints her in a very negative light, and only makes it seem like her husband is just doing what she says). This will helpĀ the audience understand what I’m doing better, and it will clarify the purpose.
Multimodal elements to add/revise: Overall my modes were well placed and well used. There were no suggestions as to what to add mode-wise. I have visual, linguistic, gestural, and spatial.
What can I reasonably revise before the due date?
- Add summary section of book and how author labeled her wrong (most important element to do)
- Revise the header for the Text section to correspond with theme of website
- Add a few more elements to the overall website itself to make it visually dynamic
- Add some pictures into the texts
- Finish the texts (possibly using real texts instead as the fake-text website is a challenging interface)
- Work on ‘Site Information Page’ some more to make sure citations are correctly labeled.