Fri (YAY) Remix Work

Here’s what I did today:

Today, I realized I had less blogs than I should. So, I went on a hunt to figure out where they could be. Next, I began working on the powerpoint presentation I will use to present to the class. I then edited my footage a little more.

Here’s why:

Firstly, I actually wrote the blogs so I searched until I could find them. Luckily, I found a draft from two months ago that accounted for one. The other is still at large – more info to come. Then, I began the powerpoint because I present on the first day. I tried to make it as patriotic as possible by creating a color scheme of red, white, and blue, so that it tied into the theme and story of my project seamlessly. Lastly, I worked on editing my content a bit more in order to have it as complete as possible as soon as possible. This will give me more time to give the video some final tweaks if needed as the deadline draws closer.