So for my final Remix a Story (and class) blog post, I would like to revisit my original calendar that we made on 4/13.
According to this calendar, initially my goal for today was to complete the animation. Well, this was a very ambitious goal. Luckily I started my animation yesterday, and I am about 20 seconds in, which I feel like is a huge success. As the presentation and due date get closer the more anxious I get about finishing. But I have to say, the pressure of a due date always inspires me to get more work done and be more productive.
What I did…
Reworked my calendar. My new calendar is kind of go with the flow but is as follows:
4/27-4/30 Work like crazy on this animation
5/1 In class presentation, I am coming to terms with this being a rough cut work in progress, but hopefully will be a good representation of what the final has the potential to be
5/2-5/5 Work like crazy
5/6 Turn in this project!!! (and then cry from relief)
Why I did it…
Okay so as you can see in my new strategy plan and calendar, I don’t really have a good plan. At this point, I just need to plug away and keep working. I have done everything I can to make this project go smoothly, from research, to story boarding, to front end work in Illustrator, now its time to just get it done.
Some constraints I have faced are: my own inexperience and time management. I have also realized some of the flaws in the Flash animation program (which is a good reason why it is not used as often in the professional world as other animation programs.)
I have also learned that I am definitely not cut out for a job in the design world, although I really respect all the work and creativity that is required to do well in the field. From now on I am going to admire from a far, far distance.