Author: Catherine A. Einstein


My favorite interface was TimelineJS. I found it interesting because you actually use html code. It allows for great organization and uses a lot of different media. You can also embed it wherever you want. The linear organization is intriguing to me. I would use it for events or an organization. I may even use it […]

Checklist Observations

I have taken enough screenshots and have finished my PowerPoint presentation. Instead of filling out the form we have on the Google Drive, I am going to use it as an outline for my web essay. What I Did I have made an outline from the Google Drive form. I made notes on it from […]

I liked the interface I watch a lot of online videos for my classes and internship. It seems very easy to skim through your notes and skip to the part of a video you need to review. I would use it for taking notes in my online classes, videos for my internship, and […]

Still Working on Project 3

What I Did I started my PowerPoint presentation. I choice a PowerPoint theme, found the Trello logo and mascot, and edited the Trello mascot in Photoshop. The mascot did not edit correctly, so I am going to edit it again. I changed the fonts on all of the links I put on the new pages […]

Working on Project 3

What I Did I created the Rhetorical Situation, Design, Affordance, Constraints, and Conclusion pages. I created a link to each of the page on the pages. I tried to make the text of the links smaller with CSS and failed. I added a submenu of these pages to My Projects>Interrogate an Interface menus. I took […]

50 Minute Session Project 3

What I Did  I researched the website Trello. I read all the missions statement and instructions for the website. I spent most of my fifty minutes using the site. I added a board, created lists for the board, and added cards for the lists. I put descriptions, he other tools of the website that I […]

Project 3 Schedule

Friday 6 10-11am: Research and use tool; Fill out analysis questions; Screenshots Monday 16 9-10am:Use tool; Finish analysis question; Screenshots Tuesday 17 4-5pm: Use tool; Outline web essay; Screenshots Wednesday 18 9-10am: Use tool; Draft web essay; Screenshots Thursday 19 4-6pm: Draft web essay; Draft slideshow

Examples For Project 3 Take Away

What I Would Emulate  I would emulate the use of screenshots in project three. Visuals are really great way to explain and show what you are trying to say. I would need to make sure the screenshots are well explained and complement my project. What I Would Avoid I would avoid confusing navigation. Having all the information […]

Trello Project 3

What I Chose I chose Trello “the free, flexible, and visual way to organize anything with anyone.” This site lets the user see everything about their projects instantly. You can organize with cards, add notes to your cards, and edit and rearrange them as much as you like. The user can post comments, upload files, […]