What I Did Today we had one last in-class work day, as the remainder of our class periods will be dedicated to class presentations on our remix projects. I continued to collect pictures to go along with the events that define Ross and Rachel that I have chosen to focus on. I found a new […]
Author: hearly10
Beginning to Wrap Up the Remix (4/24)
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• •What I Did Since Wednesday’s class was spent giving and getting feedback on each other’s projects, I was able to use the feedback I received to better focus my project from now on. Based off of the helpful feedback I received, I have decided to narrow my project’s focus even further by remixing the story […]
Creating a Storyboard, 4/15
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• •What I Did Today in class, I began to draw out an outline for my timeline of Ross and Rachel. I decided to do this on paper and pencil so that it is easy for me to visually see the order of events. I have not completely narrowed down the events that I will be […]
Project 4 Peer Review Day, 4/22
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• •What I Heard The two people that reviewed my project really liked my ideas and the story that I am remixing. They are both fans of Friends, so they were able to give me some helpful feedback on how I should recreate the story of Ross and Rachel. They suggested that I narrow down my […]
Continuing to Work on a Remix (4/20)
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• •What I Did Today we started class by signing up to present our projects, which will start next Wednesday. I will be presenting my project 4, the remix of Ross and Rachel, next Friday May 1. I am excited to show everyone else in the class what I have been working on, but I know […]
Online Work Day, 4/17
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• •What I Did Since last class, I have been working on collecting pictures to go along with the major events that define Ross and Rachel’s relationship that I have decided to focus my project on. I have also been thinking about the best way to document and present my project, as well as my citations. […]
Working on a Remix (4/13)
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• •What I Did For my remix project, which I am focusing on the story of Ross and Rachel from the Friends tv show, I will be working this week on creating fake social media accounts as part of my remixed story. Professor Gardner showed us in class the links to several different sites to create […]
Project 4 Proposal
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• •My Story For project 4, Remix a Story, I am choosing to remix one of the main plots of the tv show Friends. Since Friends is 10 seasons long, it would be nearly impossible for me to remix the entire show. Therefore, I am focusing my remix on the story of Ross and Rachel, one […]
Project 4, Remix a Story
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• •Instead of having class on Friday, I spent some time looking over the assignment for Project 4, Remix a Story, and looking at the examples that were provided so that I could get a better idea of what I might want to focus my project on. What Makes a Good Remix There are several different […]
Day 3 of Presentations, 3/30
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• •Today was the third day of class presentations for project 3. Once again, I enjoyed listening to everyone’s presentations and learning about the different interfaces. It was much easier today to focus and listen to everyone since I presented on Friday, all my nerves were gone and I wasn’t worried about how mine was going […]