Author: hhutch1

The Last Post… Much like the last melon on ‘Ice Age,’ this is my last post for this class. I decided to take this time to wrap up what I have learned from this project, as well as adding some of my own personal gifs and memes. I have enjoyed this process very much. Over the past […]

Updating, Altering, and Adapting

What I Did: This time around I mostly worked on making the fixes noted in my peer review. I changed my about page to include information about my artwork. I also added a few more pictures Why I Did It: I did this because the photography and artwork seemed a bit out of place, but […]

Letting Someone Else see my Blog for the First Time

What I Heard in Peer Review: My partner Emily reflected that she liked my theme and the addition of my photography and artwork. She noted that I had everything I needed for my blog, but that I may want to add some more information in the ‘about me’ section about why I have my pictures […]

Site Information Development

What I Did: Today I worked on understanding and completing my Site Information Page. I mostly did it with bullets and links to the creators of the widgets and theme.  I kept it very simple, and will alter it if necessary. I didn’t have much else to add, as I had finished my About Me […]

Multimodal Dig

When digging through my backpack, it was not very full, and there were not many multimodal texts. I am a little fuzzy on what qualifies as a ‘multimodal text’ per se, as I was unable to attend class, but based on the textbook and the directions online, I think I was able to find a […]

I’m Getting to Know Me (and the website)!

What I Did: Today I finally figured out how to add menus, and had a fun time deciding how I wanted that formatting to go (and by that, I mean being indecisive and bouncing back and forth between several different menu order options). After that I wrote my about me page, which I based mostly […]

Indecision: 1, Hutch: 0

What I Did: I didn’t change much this time around, but mostly bounced back and forth between theme ideas for hours. In the end, I didn’t really change anything and just came back to my original design. I indecisively bounced back and forth between several pictures, ultimately ending up back to what I had originally placed as […]

Setting up my Blog

As an extremely indecisive person, this is going to be by far the most challenging part of creating my blog. I will be jumping back and forth between themes, titles, and pictures to display constantly until I finally love what I have published. I have currently set up my theme after searching through several different options. […]