What I Heard in Peer Review My site did not include all of the required parts, but my peers liked the title of my site and thought it was creative. They also liked the use of memes because it made the site more interesting. What I need to Do I need to make my site […]
Author: mchapman12
What I Did and Why I Did It
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• •What I Did My latest post is the Multimodal Dig. I thought this was a very fun and interesting exercise because it brought more to my attention concerning modes of communication. listed ten items from my book bag and analyzed how each object fit in with the modes. I also created menus on my home […]
Multimodal Dig
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• •Random items in my bookbag: 1. small bottle of hand sanitizer (V, S, L) 2. water bottle with lid (V, S, L) 3. bottle of perfume (V, S, L) 4. package of cough drops (V, S, L) 5. bottle of lotion (V, S, L) 6. black wallet (V) 7. “Me, Myself, and Why” book (V, […]
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• •I added three categories: project 1, project 2, and project 3. I used these categories as a base to get things started on my site. I plan to add more categories later if needed. I also plan to add a couponing meme to express my love for saving money. I also updated my “About” section […]
What I did and Why?
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• •What I did? I chose a theme that contained neutral colors but also included vivid colors around the edges and background. The font was also interesting, and I may change it, but for now, it’s the font I think will best describe myself and the purpose of my blog. Why I did it? I chose […]
The Beginning of My Blog
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• •Signing Up Today, I created a WordPress Site, a username, and theme. The process was simple and instructions were clear. Setting Up While choosing my theme and customizing other aspects of the site, I liked how each step was easily accessible. I plan to change the title of my blog to be more creative […]