Author: mollisonsimone

Experiences with Autocorrect

I have had many experiences with Autocorrect on my iPhone in many different contexts. Whether it is in an email app or the messenger app, I have had many of my attempts at a specific meaning botched by autocorrect. Recently, I was texting my roommate about going to a movie later that day. When I […]

Continuing to Work 2/18

What I Did Today I began working on the external links to go with my About page. I researched ways to make my About page strong and unique. I also learned about how to upload images in a gallery format, as well as wrap text around images, etc. I will definitely be using those features […]

Peer Review

What I Heard: What I took away from the peer-review session is that I need to add more images somehow. I have still been trying different themes, and I have found one (Sela) that I like – but formatting it is a bit challenging. I would like to work on making it more personal and […]

Blog Updates

What I Did Today I started thinking about the content I want to present on my About Page of my blog. I looked at the examples and noted what I liked and disliked, and thought about the information that I am going to include. I will probably start drafting later today and work on the…Read more Blog Updates

Multimodal Dig

Listed below are the multimodal texts that I found in my backpack: Technical Editing (Fifth Edition) by Carolyn D. Rude and Angela Eaton (V,S,L) Vera Bradley Student Agenda (V,S,L) Notebook (V,S,L) Water bottle (V,S,L) Wallet (V,S,L) Keys (V,S,L) On my phone: Facebook (V,A,G,S,L) Instagram (V,A,G,S,L) Pinterest (V,G,S,L) Snapchat (V,A,G,S,L) Pandora Radio (V,A,S,L) On my laptop:…Read more Multimodal Dig


What I Did Today, I set up two categories for my blog using the “Categories” link under “Posts” in the administrator mode. I created a “Daily Blog” category for posts like this, updating my progress, and I created a “Projects” category for the specific projects that we will complete in this class through the semester.…Read more Categorizing

More Customization

What I Did  I played with several different themes for my blog over the past two days. I ended up choosing the theme “Harmonic” (for now, anyway). I liked the feel of this theme and the options it offered. I also played with several different images for my header, and spent a long time debating…Read more More Customization

Setting Up My Blog

What I Did Today I set up my wordpress blog. I named my blog after my first and middle names, which I consider to be pretty unique and specific to me. I tried a couple different themes and color schemes. I’m not happy with my choices yet, but I’m working on it and continuing to…Read more Setting Up My Blog