Category: Interrogate an Interface

Day 11: Project Schedule

For this project, I am researching the “Thinglink” tool, which allows you to annotate images and videos. Below is a schedule I have created in order to complete my project on time. 3/16: Create a login for the tool I’m researching and explore the tools functions and features. 3/17: Fill in the Writer/Designer Analysis questions and outline […]

Critique of Web Essays

While looking at the four websites that interrogated an interface, I learned many things that I did and did not want to do for my own creation. Below, you can see what I’ve decided: Yay On my interrogation, I want to include navigation tools to help my audience read through my essay easily. I want to […]

March 2

While looking through the website that my group evaluated today, I learned a lot of things that would be good and bad for my ‘Interrogate an Interface’ project, particularly the way I set it up on my website. Its obvious that the navigation  needs aesthetic elements. The site we looked at had way too much […]

Day 10: Looking at Example Essays

One specific thing I noted while observing the example projects was the use of embedded links. I want to apply this to my own project because I think it helps to break up the text and make the project easier to navigate. Readers can simply click a link, rather than scroll through a long text […]

Feb 27

For my interrogate an interface project I chose to focus on the Meograph website. When browsing through the options, Meograph really stuck out to me with its creativity and what the site allows a user to do. I am a big video nerd, almost everything I do involved some sort of video element. Meograph allows […]

Day 9: My Application

For this project, I chose the ‘Thinglink’ tool. This tool helps you annotate images and videos with your notes and media links. I chose this tool because there are many interesting features you can use. I liked how it’s interactive and can be shared through other social media sites. I think this tool can also […]

Day 8: Autocorrect

I use autocorrect everyday, whether it be on my phone, email, or other electronic device. I have become so accustomed to autocorrect, I don’t know what I would do without it. A specific experience I have had recently with autocorrect is with Word. On my laptop keyboard, the letter ‘E’ had fallen out, and typing […]

Auto-correct Fail

I’ve encountered many auto-correct problems since 2006 when I had T-9 text to the auto-correct of Blackberry and the iPhone 5 & 6. While it makes texting easier, auto-correct can have some downfalls. For example, now that smartphones are very prominent in society today, many people are using auto-correct and auto-complete based on the app […]

Feb 23

One of the most memorable autocorrect situations I’ve had came very recently. I was trying to text one of my friends and tell them when I was coming down to visit them (pretty important). I tried to say that my plane was going to land on monday, and for whatever reason, autocorrect thought I was […]