Category: Project 3

Examining Examples for Project Three

My group looked at the PowToon example. There were many things that I personally would not have included in the final project, but there were also a few things that this example taught me. Use of color and making sure that the final project is aesthetically pleasing is very important. I found this example kind […]

TOUCHDOWN! Choice #1: Check

*Cue the sound of fans cheering and me doing a victory cry* I got my first choice: PearlTrees! Now a name like that is very ambiguous so let me delve a little deeper. PearlTrees is a site that lets you share your interests with your online community. From a visual standpoint, it looks very similar […]


I chose to work with Masher because I like to work with pictures and put them into videos. It was my third option, but I think it’ll be a lot of fun to work with because of the multimedia aspect it has. In a nutshell, Masher is a free tool that you can sign in […]

Selecting My Interface

Today, I selected as my interface for project three. I chose this tool because I thought it was a really cool tool to use to take notes and something that I would definitely use. Basically, as a video plays…

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Choosing my Interface

What I Chose I chose to do my third project on Inklewriter. Why I Chose It I chose Inklewriter because when I was going through the list trying to choose one, I spent the most time looking at Inklewriter. I was immediately interested by how interactive it is. Also, I love books and stories and […]

That’s Not My Name *clap clap*

One of the applications that gives me the most trouble (and the biggest headache) is Facebook and its picture tagging capabilities.  Since high school I’ve been nicknamed – much to my displeasure – “The Tourist,” so naturally, I take a lot of pictures.  I upload photos of my friends and family to Facebook frequently and […]

Auto-correct Fail

I’ve encountered many auto-correct problems since 2006 when I had T-9 text to the auto-correct of Blackberry and the iPhone 5 & 6. While it makes texting easier, auto-correct can have some downfalls. For example, now that smartphones are very prominent in society today, many people are using auto-correct and auto-complete based on the app […]

I Ducking Hate Autocorrect

“Zero Ducks Given” is now a running joke between my friends and me. Why you may ask? Lest semester, after feverishly power walking home after a long and exhausting day of classes, I was fed up. What does one do when they’re on edge like that? For me, the answer is aggressively text my best…