Category: The Great Gatsby

Remixing Gatsby

What I Did Today, I worked on finding more pins so that each board had 15+ pins. I also watched the movie to screen shot some images to add to my boards. I also created a board that held all of the tweets Daisy would write. Why I Did It I wanted each board to […]

Revision Plan

In our group revision session, I asked Krista and Katharina for some help on the method to cite my sources. Since I’ll be tweeting things and adding quotes from the book/movie, I wanted to be sure to give credit where needed. However, Katharina suggested I make an excel sheet and add it as an attachment […]

Sources & Rough Cuts

What I Did To cite my sources, I will use the links in the Pins and cite my tweets via quotes or link them to pins. Since my project focuses on social media, I can use the links to cite my sources and make my project multimodal.  I’m currently looking at the new site, Popcorn […]

Progress on P4

What I Did Today I worked on my assets and creating a timeline for my project (seen below). I also created more boards on Daisy’s Pinterest page and looked at generating fake Tweets for Daisy’s account. I’m considering creating a Storify account so I can keep all of my work in one space so I […]