What I Did… Today I started taking screenshots of Meograph for both my presentation and my web essay. Why I Did It… I wanted to capture as much as I could visually capture in order to really guide my audience through my web essay and presentation in a way that made sense. I think that…
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The Basics of Twine
•What I did: Today I looked at the wiki option on Twine which discusses tutorials and I learned all the basics of getting started with Twine. I looked at how to save your work, how to publish and format. Why I did it: Twine is a tool with many options. By looking at the home […]
Still Working on Project 3
•What I Did I started my PowerPoint presentation. I choice a PowerPoint theme, found the Trello logo and mascot, and edited the Trello mascot in Photoshop. The mascot did not edit correctly, so I am going to edit it again. I changed the fonts on all of the links I put on the new pages […]
Process vs Product
•Today I worked on finishing my essay and really tried to find a fine line between evaluating and complaining. I tend to have a strong voice when I write and sometimes it comes across informal which is not a style appropriate for this project. My initial draft of my essay started with a brain dump. […]
Tweaking and Working on my Project
•What I did: I mostly worked on my web essay, trying to add to my constraints and affordances section. I organized my rhetorical analysis into a mind map and put that in the rhetorical design section of my project. I also went though and worked on my presentation a little bit, altering the organization and […]
Project 3 Interrogation Part 3
•What I Did: Today in class I created sub menus on my word press site and began drafting my web essay using Microsoft word. Why I Did It: I wanted to first decide how I would organize my web essay before I began drafting it, so i composed the tabs i would use for my […]