What I did For today’s class session, I began working with some screenshots I captured over break. At first, I was concerned that the images would not be in a a high enough resolution to project to the class, but after toying with some of the images over break, I don’t think that image resolution […]
Project 3 Interrogation Part 2
•What I Did: In class today I continued to interrogate my interface by completing Writer/Designer Analysis Questions. I also completed exploring the site in its entirety. Why I Did It: I think the best way to fully interrogate my interface will be through answering Writer/Designer Analysis Questions, I plan to complete them all as well […]
Working on Project 3
•What I Did I created the Rhetorical Situation, Design, Affordance, Constraints, and Conclusion pages. I created a link to each of the page on the pages. I tried to make the text of the links smaller with CSS and failed. I added a submenu of these pages to My Projects>Interrogate an Interface menus. I took […]
Working on the Interface Project
•What I Did: I worked on a lot this project. I set up the menus for the project within my WordPress blog, and wrote the overview for the project. I finished up working on filling out me writer/designer analysis questions. I also worked over break on the powerpoint, so I did not work on that […]
Project 3
Work, Work, Work, Work…
•My “creativity with blog titles” brain function is sleeping today, so please ignore it! Anywho, today I worked farther with PearlTrees and on my project three. There is not a lot of “screenshot worthy” evidence of that because a lot of what I did was organizational. To be honest until today I was a bit […]
Class Posts, Project 3
Working on Project 3: Part 2
•What I Did: Today I focused on adding all of the necessary pages and navigation tools to make my web essay easy to follow and aesthetically pleasing. This made me think about how I wanted not only the web essay to look, but also the presentation. Why I Did It: I didn’t get as much […]