50 minutes spent on Project 3 outside of class: What I Did: I explored the MindMup website online using my laptop, connected my Google Drive account with MindMup, took notes on different things I found in creating maps on the site and saved the relevant screenshots to my computer for later use, reviewed terms from […]
Out of Class Work: Practicing with the Interface!
•Today I mostly just played around with the text2mindmap.com interface, getting used to it. It seemed pretty simple when I first looked at it. They gave a brief overview of how to operate it, and then gave you an example of something they had done: It seemed pretty easy and straight forward, so I went to work. […]
daily post, online work day
3/6/15: Online Work Day
•What I Did: Today during our online work day, I began working by creating a username and password and becoming a member of Thematic. It was very simple to join, there was even an option to sign in using Facebook, and you could become a member at no cost. Once logged in, I spent quite […]
Independent Work Project 3
•What I Did: I first created an account on Thematic. After that, I began interrogating Thematic and crafted my own thematic gallery. I took screenshots through every step of the process. I also began formulating responses to the Writer/Designer Analysis Questions. Why I Did It: The best way to effectively interrogate an interface is to […]
Friday web-commute day!
•Instead of going to class the Friday before Spring Break, I spent part of my Thursday night before hand working on project three. The first thing I did was go to Heganoo to make an account, which took literally 30 seconds. Once I made an account, I was kind of surprised that the site wasn’t more […]
ENGL 3844
Interrogate an Interface: Online Classwork
•What I Did, and Why I Did It – Trello This is the welcome board. I made an account, so this was the first board I checked out. It explains how to add lists and cards. I’m still a little … Continue reading →