For today’s class, we broke into groups and examined previous “Interrogate an Interface” projects from last semester. My group had “The Video Star Verdict,” an analysis of a video making app. I thought the author did an excellent job in developing her web page. Though our project won’t include making an entire site, there are […]
Examples for Project 3
•Video Star:
I really liked the fact their was question mark icons on the screenshot to let the reader know what was going to be covered. It was an organized format that made the information flow together. I hope to apply the same type of organization i…
Editing Images to Enhance Meaning
•My group examined “The World Star Verdict” project, this example had numerous pros and cons. My favorite aspect of this presentation was the editing of photos to enhance meaning. In one image the presenter was explaining that at first glance they did not know the purpose of three tabs. They included three red question marks […]
Courses, English
Interrogating in Class
•Today a group and I were to analyze THIS website. One of the main thing I found the example essay that I will apply to my own Interrogate the Interface project is the analyzing of screenshots. I found that she used way too many screenshots in inappropriate places and ind of clogged the system. Screenshots […]
affordances, constraints, Interrogate an Interface, masher, organization, P3, pictures, Project 3
Critique of Web Essays
•While looking at the four websites that interrogated an interface, I learned many things that I did and did not want to do for my own creation. Below, you can see what I’ve decided: Yay On my interrogation, I want to include navigation tools to help my audience read through my essay easily. I want to […]
Analyzing Previous Interrogations of Interfaces
•The websites that we looked at that interrogated interfaces were quite good. All of them had pros and cons but their overall websites were impressive. The main thing that I took away and will be sure to apply to my own interrogation will be easy reading and navigation. In the websites that we looked at […]