Feb 27

For my interrogate an interface project I chose to focus on the Meograph website. When browsing through the options, Meograph really stuck out to me with its creativity and what the site allows a user to do. I am a big video nerd, almost everything I do involved some sort of video element. Meograph allows […]

Project 3 Site Selection

Thankfully, after the dash to select a website to remix, I ended up with my second choice. I am working with The X-Ray Goggles in unison with Mozilla Webmaker. This site allows users to pick apart the html/css of a website with ease in a user-friendly environment. I chose this site because web development has […]

Choosing interface for Project 3

Digital Vaults was one that interested me when I first visited the website. I enjoy learning about history and their website has a very attractive interface that seems like it will be fun to explore and learn to navigate. There were a lot of options for project 3 that I like so I wasn’t worried […]

Day 9: My Application

For this project, I chose the ‘Thinglink’ tool. This tool helps you annotate images and videos with your notes and media links. I chose this tool because there are many interesting features you can use. I liked how it’s interactive and can be shared through other social media sites. I think this tool can also […]

Project 3 Selection

The interface i chose for project 3 is called Thematic. I chose this option because i browsed the sight and learned it was a tool that can be used to organize photos and create stories. Some users utilized this format to organize broad categories of images and some used it to document specific events. I love […]