2/20 Using the Grace Period

I’m taking advantage of the Grace period to continue to update and perfect my website. I have added a lot of photos to the site in order to customize it and make it visually pleasing, and it has taken a lot of extra time (although well worth it.) I also needed to add a site information […]

The Last Post…

http://i.giphy.com/ERq9FBD3gnzdC.gif Much like the last melon on ‘Ice Age,’ this is my last post for this class. I decided to take this time to wrap up what I have learned from this project, as well as adding some of my own personal gifs and memes. I have enjoyed this process very much. Over the past […]

No more Goran

What I did… Today I removed the theme I had originally chosen for my blog, Goran, and replaced it with Radcliffe. This change set me behind quite a bit, but ultimately I am much more for happy with the appearance and content of my blog in a new theme. Luckily, I can utilize the grace […]


02.06.15 What I Did: I was looking back through my blog posts, preparing to submit my Web Portal, and realized I was missing one from February 6th! Whoops! This was a day we worked on the appearance of our blogs. I continued to play with themes and explored colors and headers. I decided not to add […]