What I heard from my peer:
She liked my site, and the only thing that I needed I needed to change was the order of my pages in the menu bar.
What I did:
I changed the order in the menu bar to be sequential.
What I need to do:
Peer Review
•What I Heard My peer reviewer said: I do not have a site information page, which I should add I do not have a projects page, which I should also add She likes the font that my name is in, it is professional but fun too What I Need to Do I will need to […]
Peer Review
•What I heard in peer review: I need to work on making the appearance of the site a little cleaner by stacking my menu bar items, and hiding the side bar options from the main blog page. My peer reviewer … Continue reading →
Daily Blogs
Peer Review
•What I Heard: What I took away from the peer-review session is that I need to add more images somehow. I have still been trying different themes, and I have found one (Sela) that I like – but formatting it is a bit challenging. I would like to work on making it more personal and […]
Peer Reviewing
•What I Heard in Peer Review In peer review, I worked with a classmate to critique and improve our blogs. My classmate said: I don’t have a tagline, which I should add There is no information on my site information page I have a good about page and photo What I Need to Do I […]
February 13
•02.13.15 What I Did: I updated my About page and have now created a site information page. I was not sure what to put for the site information page yet, so I am leaving it as a placeholder for now and will update it when I have a more clear idea of what to include. […]