What I Did, and Why I Did It Here is my mock-up for project 4. I worked specifically on the layout of the pictures. I took into consideration the type of celebrity (politician, artist, etc.) as well as other factors … Continue reading →
Who done it?
•I created a mock up of the framework idea I have for revealing who spills all da’ beans in Mean Girls before the Burn Book. The concept is similar to the Red Ridinghood prezi murder board, but my board will serve as a collection of the secrets that were spilled through Instagram and Twitter as […]
Blog Posts
a rough sketch (storyboard)
•WEDNESDAY What I did? Today I created a storyboard, I apologize for the lack of artistic talent, there’s a reason I’m a professional writing major and not an art major. Check below. I also wrote out the dialogue that I need my friend to say out loud for one of the scenes, and then the […]
•What I Did: I finished my mock-up outline of my project and added most of the images and captions I am going to use for the final version. Why I Did it: I did this so I could get a feel for how the layout of the webpage will look. Here is what I have so […]
Working on a Remix (4/13)
•What I Did For my remix project, which I am focusing on the story of Ross and Rachel from the Friends tv show, I will be working this week on creating fake social media accounts as part of my remixed story. Professor Gardner showed us in class the links to several different sites to create […]
ENGL 3844
Timeline for Project 4
•We are on our last project for the semester, so I figured I would bring it back to the picture that gave me inspiration for project 1. We are in the homestretch! Timeline: Mock-up or Storyboard on 4/15 — … Continue reading →