Project Proposal

Tell us the story you have chosen: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Explain what portion of the story: specifically concentrating on the seven dwarfs and making it them the different types of people you find in college Identify what genre you want to use for the project: as of right now I think I…

Thinking Through the Pitch

For Project 4: I chose to remix Anne of Green Gables. It’s kind of a long novel but it’s in chronological order, organized by events, so I’ll only be using some of them. Anne is a red-headed adopted orphan girl in Canada and throughout the book she’s getting into accidents and making mistakes and causing […]

Remix Project

I’m fusing Mean Girls and Gossip Girl into a remix. So the concept of an all knowing character will take snapchat or instagram screenshots of Mean Girls scenes that reveal secrets of the characters. And somehow incorporate all of the epic mean girls quotes there are, and make up a tag name for the instagram […]

Story for P4

Story: Breaking Bad Portion: The last episode Genre: Instagram Bibliographic information: To get the episode, I’m going to use my Netflix account, so I don’t really know how to cite that  to make the fake Instagram page  for Walter White’s Instagram profile picture