The tool that I was most interested in trying out, based on today’s presentations, was TimeGlider. I found it interested because the way that it sets up timelines is very different from other programs I have seen. I think that TimeGlider is more aesthetically appealing, and I like the use of circles rather than slides […]
3/30/15: Presentation Day #3
•Out of all the tools presented today, I one that I could most likely see myself using was Fetchnotes, which Mackenzie presented. Fetchnotes is an online note taking tool, which allows you to use #Hashtags and groups to collaborate with others. I could see myself using this tool to share class notes and project notes with […]
Presenting in Class 3/30
•I am most interested in using the tool Thematic. It allows users to share photography and design, which are two things I am interested in. I like that users can share more than one photo at a time, unlike on Instagram. The photos also look professional and skilled, which I like. I think this would […]
Presentations Continued
•Based off today’s presentations, Thematic was my favorite tool that I saw. I found it very interesting because I am really into photography, so it’s right up my alley. I take a lot of pictures when I travel, so I would definitely use this tool to tell the story of one of my trips through […]
•The tool that I found most interesting was Thematic. I enjoy using Instagram, so I think that would be pretty interesting to try to make a combined show of some of my photos based on different events. I would probably use it for fun, and then share my creations with family and friends.
Blog Posts
presentation day #3
•Of today’s presentations, I would probably be interested in using Kim’s tool, Thematic. The other tools were concerned with mind maps, or time lines, and I couldn’t figure out a time where I would need to incorporate these to my projects. With Kim’s tool, however, I could use it for my personal enjoyment, (like Instagram). […]