Project Presentations Continued

My favorite tool from today was WhenInTime. I found it interesting because I really like visual-based websites and that’s what this site was. I would use it when wanting to find out something that happened in history and what was going on in the world relevant to that time.

Presentations: Day 2

Despite some technical difficulties (and server maintenance), we completed our second round of presentations today. Again, most of the interfaces seemed pretty useless to me (though that’s not to say the interfaces themselves were useless), but one in particular stood out. Trello is an “easy, visual way to organize projects.” It essentially allows a project’s […]

…And you are it!

3/27/15 Today’s presentations were so great and informative. I really liked the Text 2 Mind Map as I thought it was thought out and organized. I could really see myself using this for class work and appreciated the easy use. The thing I was looking for in a mind map was it to be organized […]

And I Pick……

TimelineJS!  Woo!  I thought that the timeline concept was great and it was something I could really utilize.  I love taking pictures and most of the things I use the internet for are visual and as a sort of scrapbook so this feature can only enhance what I currently do on the internet. I’m not […]

March 27th: Presentations!

Today’s presentations had a hidden gem that I’m glad I didn’t miss. As I’m currently fumbling my way through learning how to piece together websites and code,  the widget X-Ray Goggles seemed a perfect tool that I’m about to download immediately. The easy access to code and the visibility of the changes in real time […]