Web Essay Checklist

Web Essay Checklist: Areas of Analysis: Rhetorical situation: incomplete, screenshots complete Design choices: incomplete Modes of communication: not started, needs work Affordances and constraints: completed, screen shots included, needs edited Screenshots: completed, may need more Navigation System: needs work. Listed on front page. Needs to be reworked Embed Link to Presentation: not completed, still tweaking presentation […]

Project 3 Work Continued

Checklist Observations: By reviewing my checklist, I learned that I am much more optimistic about my deadlines in theory than in reality. Somehow, I always end up procrastinating no matter what sort of plan I have in place. My presentation is in good shape and I still need to finish the web essay and analysis. […]

Project 3 Independent Work

Checklist Observations Comparing my draft to the provided checklist, I feel like I’m in pretty good shape. In my web essay, I’ve finished the Rhetorical Situation, Design, and Modes of Communication sections. I have placeholder pages for the Affordances and Constraints requirements, and plan to finish those this weekend.  I’ve actually already started the Affordances […]

March 26

Checklist Observations In going through the checklist, I found out that I was sitting in pretty good shape. The only things missing from my project that was on the checklist are the navigation options on each page, and the constraints page. Today I completed the constraints page with screenshots included. All that is left is […]


Overall, Meograph is a good service that has a strong interface. There are techniques that the website creator should have used differently. I am sure that, over time, those kinks will be worked out. It is rare that an interface stays the same for more than a decade at a time, if that. With that […]