Today we looked at 7 different applications that were interrogated by the students of Writing and Digital Media. I did not see any particular application jump out at me and that I will be downloading soon, but I did find one that I was extremely intrigued by. This application was X-ray Goggles. If I were […]
Presentation Day 1
•I really enjoyed learning about the different interfaces during class today, but I think the one I see myself using the most would definitely be Pearltrees. As a writer, I have been published many times online but on different websites. I’m interested in creating a Pearltree as an aggregate site to collect all my published […]
Presentation Day
•Through today’s presentation, I learned about online softwares and tools I completely had no idea about. Out of all of them though, I found AudioBoom interesting. It is both a website and an application that lets you create, share , and listen to sound files! I love music and listening to other creative artists, so […]
Exploring Other Tools- Thing Link
•I think that the tool Thing Link was very interesting because you can embed videos and links on pictures which makes them interactive. You can be very creative with this tool and take it any direction. I liked the example … Continue reading →
X-Ray Goggles
•I found the tool, X-ray Goggles to be very interesting as well as something I could see myself using in the future. I am in a class where I am learning the basics of coding, so the content currently on my mind. However, I am unsure if that will always be the case. I felt…
What I've Done & Why I've Done It
Interface Presentations
•The “Thing Link” application sounded the most interesting to me. The audio tools and movie tool that were presented didn’t seem like they would be of much use for me, and although Coggle sounded useful at first, I had changed my mind about it by the end of the presentation. The only app that I kept…Continue reading »