I really liked the presentation on PearlTrees! I found it interesting because it sounds like it combines Google Drive with social media accounts, like Pinterest. Honestly, I think it would be useful because you can upload documents to it, so I could pull up readings for my classes and still be scrolling through my interests, […]
Project 3 Presentation Reflection
•After observing the first day’s presentations, the app which I would be most inclined to try is Coggle. As someone who does not have incredible organizational skills and does group work a lot, the ease with which one can use the app to collaborate and the ability to color code easily makes Coggle appeal to […]
Presentations Day #1
• Out of all the presentations, I found AudioPal to be the most interesting. I like that you can create audio and add it to a website or blog. I will definitely use AudioPal in the future to add audio to my blog. That way, my site will be instantly interactive and engage my website […]
•I was not in class this day, but I researched all of the tools that were presented and decided I may like to use the tool Coggle. I thought it was interesting because it was a super easy way to brainstorm. Being a COMM major, we are regularly asked to brainstorm ideas for certain campaigns […]
•General, Project 3
Interrogating the Interface
•For my interface, I decided to analyze AudioPal.com. AudioPal is an application used to embed audio on a website. AudioPal is versatile because it lets you add audio via several different mediums. You can upload your own voice by recording audio through your phone, you can use the text-to-speech feature, you can record your own […]