ENGL 3844 First Post

This class section I reopened my wordpress site from my freshmen year of school when I was going to use it as a personal blog. I also chose my tagline to be “Take a journey with me throughout my hardest semester in college as a Computer Engineer”. I chose the title of my blog to be “Blogging From The Deep”.

I chose to recativate my old site instead of creating a new one because it allowed me to keep the same name throughout, which was important to me as it was my last name (haha). The tagline came from nothing short of the truth… this is my 2nd last semester in college and I think it will be the hardest one by far. My title came from another blog I used to be a part several years ago titled “Programming philosophies of the deep,” so this is simply a ply on that.

Throughout the semester I hope to keep everyone updated on my life here, so stay tuned for more fun things!