The Dream Begins

02.04.15 – Creating my blog.

What I Did:
I titled my wordpress site “Dreams of Expression” and I edited my profile, including my information and photo. I also have begun to play with themes for my blog; I am currently looking at “Penscratch,” “Syntax,” and “Goran.”

This is the photo I am using for my avatar for my blog. Headshot courtesy of Reza Nosrati.
This is the photo I am using for my avatar for my blog. Headshot courtesy of Reza Nosrati.

Why I Did It:
“Dreams of Expression” is the phrase on the photo I created for project 1. As an actor and performer, I long for self-expression on the stage and I tried to capture that desire, that dream, in the photo and the title of my blog. I chose my photo for my blog because it is one of my headshots for theatre. I thought it would be nice to use a professional picture for this blog (and it is my favorite one). I am continuing to play with themes, I want to look at them on my personal site as opposed to the demo so I can get a better feel for them and what I will be working with. I really like the pretty simplicity of Penscratch on the demo, though.