What I did
I made the name of my blog just my actual name, Lauren. I also don’t have a tagline yet. I’m hoping to come up with more creative name and tagline in the future because, obviously, I’m sticking with the most boring, uncreative option right now. I also picked a very standard theme for my blog. Through this class, I hope to get more comfortable with Word Press and blogging because right now, I’m kind of in the dark.
Why I did it
The reason I have such a boring name and tagline right now is because I am not that talented when it comes to spitting out creative, monumental ideas instantly. I envy people that are able to be so creative so quickly, but that’s not me. I like to sit and think about things for some time before I can come up with an idea. However, I kept the theme of the blog fairly simple because I know that my favorite, most aesthetically pleasing websites are extremely simple. Therefore, I went with the same kind of theme.