2/6/15: What I Did. Why I Did It

What I Did:

Today, I looked at a number of different themes to use for my site. At first, I had the “Eighties” theme active for my site. What first attracted me to the “Eighties” theme was the bold text and impactful photo in the heading; however, I did not like how the menu was set up. After browsing through a couple different themes, I decided to switch my theme to “Hemingway Rewritten” theme. It had the same bold text and a large photo at the top, but the menu was much more visible and easier to navigate.

Why I Did It:

I did not want to just settle on the first theme that caught my eye, so I thought it was important to browse around and consider my options. I was searching for the best theme that would give me a very stylish look, while at the same time being very easy to navigate and user-friendly. I’m very happy with my decision to switch from the “Eighties” theme to the “Hemingway Rewritten” theme. The “Hemingway Rewritten” theme also appears more professional.