Customizing the Blog

What I Did

I decided on the theme “Chunk” for my blog.  I also played around with menus and widgets.  I decided to add an archives widget to the bottom of my home page, which will link to blog posts archived by month.

Why I Did It

Though it doesn’t have a pretty name, I really like the layout of the theme I selected.  I especially like the large titles and fonts.  I also like that it’s simple, with only a few colors and no visual distractions.  I think the black and teal look classy.

I experimented with some widgets that I ended up not using, but it was interesting to see how they work.  If I ever decide to create another blog in the future, it will be helpful to know how to link it to my Instagram account.  I decided to use the archives widget because this makes the site easier to navigate.  If I’m looking for an older post, I only have to click on the month at the bottom of the page.