Multimodal Dig

1. Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change by Timothy Wilson- L, V


2. Speeding ticket- L, V

3. Chinese fortune- L, V


4. Hotel room key- L, V

5. Driver’s license- L, V, S

6. Trivia Crack – L, V, A


7. MapMyRun- L, V, A, S, G

8. Shazam- L, V,

9. Waze- L, V, A, S, G

10. Savannah Bee Chapstick-L, V, S


The texts that differed the most were probably the Chinese fortune and the app on my phone Trivia Crack. Trivia Crack is a very interactive, colorful, fun game that has a lot of auditory and visual stimuli, while the fortune is plain, white, with a few words and symbols on it. Multimodal texts are much more effective and memorable if they contain images or colors that catch your attention. The MapMyRun and Waze apps were the only multimodal texts that included all five modes of communication. Most of the other texts were just linguistically heavy.