Autoocoreect (Autocorrect) and Autocompleted (Autocomplete)

Being the huge dork that I am, I often find myself using very silly words with my friends, which are usually references to Youtube videos, jokes, or random things that we say. With a couple of my friends, we often found ourselves saying “supermegafoxyawesomehot” in reference to a joke from a theater group we love. It got to the point where my phone would autocomplete anything starting with a ‘su’ to that word so that I didn’t have to write out that long monstrosity. It was humorous at first, until I was sending a text to my research supervisor.

It was after winter break had just started, my supervisor sent out a massive text to our research team thanking us for being a great group, and saying that she was excited to see us next semester. I responded “Thank you for being such a great research supervisor” except my phone corrected it to “Thank you for being such a great research supermegafoxyawesomehot”. Now, normally I would notice this grave error and change it back; however, for some reason my finger was already on the ‘send’ button, and I was too slow on my reaction time to change it. And then that message got sent to everyone in my research group, and sounded extremely unprofessional. After explaining the autocomplete error, we all laughed about it; however, it is still an ongoing joke in our research lab.