I don’t always have the best experience with autocorrect on my phone. While the affordances definitely outweigh the constraints it doesn’t always end in the best way.
Whenever I use my phone it autocorrects a lot of words to all caps and then I feel like I am yelling. I don’t remember ever typing HAHAHAHA but if I try to type haha it autocorrects to that because that is something I apparently like to type. Other times with I try to say haha it will correct it to gaga which just makes me look ridiculous. I have had a lot of words autocorrected incorrectly but never anything too extreme.
I am the first person to admit that I don’t type correctly and I just get close to the letters and let my phone do the work. Overall I appreciate autocorrect because it helps more than it hinders but this is not necessarily true for everyone. Many words in this blog post were actually autocorrected because I type fast and some letters get mixed up. It helped me because I didn’t have to go back and fix every mistake that I made because it was automatically fixed for me.