In reading the review of Editorially, I learned and thought about a lot for my own project and review of a tool. The main thing that stood out to me in this essay was the focus on the negative aspects of similar tools; I felt that the author talked down other projects with no back up rather than talking up the project he/she was reviewing. In the introduction, the author says things like, “Whatever you answered with, please tell me you at least didn’t say Microsoft Word” and, “it’s meant to be everything that Microsoft Office and Google Docs cannot be.” Statements like these bring a negative voice and there was not a lot of information to back up these assaults. I, personally, felt a little victimized in reading that first statement because I am a Microsoft Word user through and through; it made me feel insignificant. I think this would be important for the author to know because of the popularity of Microsoft Word.
Knowing and seeing this, I now know to focus on the tool itself, rather than its “competition.” Drawing on the negative aspects of other tools is not helpful in getting audience members to understand what it is your tool does.