Peer Edit


Today we peer edited in groups of three and received feedback on our projects so far. I am a huge planner and therefore have planned out every detail on paper to show my group. I also showed them the shell of my blog and focused on my media page. I knew it wasn’t looking correct and my group agreed the content was needed but the visuals were lacking.

My revised plan is to put a Little Women quote on my media page to fill up some room and then to think about if the links to each source is necessary. I might still use the media as screen shots for evidence in blog posts and have the media page as if it were real. My group thought this was a way to get the point across of Jo as a 2015 girl without stretching myself too thin. They also steered me in the right direction in terms of Weebly. I was focusing on the content which is great but as this is a media class my group was able to bring me back in balance. I now know I want to write my planned blogs but really let my design and clean look be an asset to make them shine. I am going to focus on looking up Weebly tools and use sidebars to make it an working and accessible blog.