Author: kimk20

3/27/15: Presentation Day #2

In our second day of presentations, the tool that stood out the most to me was Popplet! As I prepare to my job as a marketing coordinator following graduation, it’s useful for me to find tools that I can use on the go and with mobile applications that can help with collaboration and sharing of […]

3/25/15: Online Work Day

Checklist Observations In reviewing the checklist for our essay, I realized that I needed to make some changes focusing on #2 and #4 on the checklist. #2 on the checklist discussed the integration of screenshots throughout the essay. While I successfully included many different screenshots in various places throughout my essay, the checklist reminded me […]

3/23/15: Presentation Day #1

Today we had our first day of presentations in class. Out of all the tools that were presented, the tool Erica presented, Thing Link, stood out to me the most. Thing Link was a tool that allowed users to upload a photo, and then add links to videos, websites, audio, etc. to the photo itself. […]

3/20/15: Peer Review of Interrogate an Interface

What I Heard In Peer Review My peer review went very well and I got some productive feedback. I had Grace read through and edit my essay, in addition to viewing the first half of my Prezi presentation. I suggested to Grace that I really wanted my peer review to focus on finding any grammar […]

3/18/16: What I Did. Why I Did It

What I Did Today, I continued work on writing and drafting my essay for the Interrogate an Interface project. Once I was able to decide how I wanted the essay to be divided up into its different sections, it was very easy begin writing. I plan to finish drafting the essay first, before I add […]

3/16/15: What I Did. Why I Did It

What I Did: Today in class, I spent time working on the the outline of my essay in addition to adding a navigation structure to my pages. I decided to break up my essay into five different pages: a landing page for the project, an Overview page, a Design & Modes of Communications page, an […]

3/6/15: Online Work Day

What I Did: Today during our online work day, I began working by creating a username and password and becoming a member of Thematic. It was very simple to join, there was even an option to sign in using Facebook, and you could become a member at no cost. Once logged in, I spent quite […]

3/4/15: Work Schedule for Interrogate an Interface

For my Interrogate an Interface project, I will attempt to work on my project using the following schedule and deadlines: March 4-5: Create a login, and research how the tool works and what it does (1-2 hours total work time) March 6: Fill in the writer/designer analysis questions (about 1 hour total work time) March 7-15: […]

3/2/15: Inspiration for Interrogate an Interface

Today, we spent time looking at a couple of other students Interrogate an Interface projects and essays from previous years. There were many different ideas and techniques utilized by students to successfully interrogate their interface, but two really stuck out to me that I would like to use for my own project. The first was […]

2/27/15: Project Three Interface Choice- Thematic

I was lucky enough to get my first choice for our interrogating an interface project, and that interface is Thematic! Thematic is an awesome tool that caught my eye right from the start when I was exploring different interfaces. When I was narrowing down my choices, I knew I wanted a tool that I would […]