The websites that we looked at that interrogated interfaces were quite good. All of them had pros and cons but their overall websites were impressive. The main thing that I took away and will be sure to apply to my own interrogation will be easy reading and navigation. In the websites that we looked at […]
Author: trentb92
Choosing interface for Project 3
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• •Digital Vaults was one that interested me when I first visited the website. I enjoy learning about history and their website has a very attractive interface that seems like it will be fun to explore and learn to navigate. There were a lot of options for project 3 that I like so I wasn’t worried […]
Uploading images to my blog
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• •I took a few images that I had on my computer and uploaded them as my header image and my background. Both images were ones that I took and that I thought reflect the overall message of my blog as well as me as a person. I think that they also represent a visual form […]
Title and tagline
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• •I used my name for my title because I wanted it to be clear that it was all bout me and make it easy to understand who the author is. It is definitely sunject to change and probably will at some point but I like it as that for now. As for my tagline, I […]
Affordances and Constraints of Autocorrect
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• •I recently made the bold switch from iPhone to an Android powered cell phone. However, it was not a voluntary decision. I took a tumble one late Saturday night over the recent Christmas break and it contributed to the demise of my iPhone. Rather than purchasing a new phone, I activated my brother’s old Android […]
Peer Review Project 2
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• •My partner helped me figure out an easier way to categorize my posts for each of my projects and helped me set up my folders. I still have a decent amount of work to do on my blog until I get it to where I want it to be. A lot of this is new…
Digging for Multimodal Items
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• •Kindle (Visual, Aural, Gestural, Linguistic) Pen (Visual, Gestural) Textbook (Visual, Linguistic) iClicker (Linguistic, Gestural) water bottle (Visual, Aural, Gestural, Linguistic) Computer charger (Spatial, Visual) ipod (Visual, Aural, Gestural, Linguistic) Airport parking pass (Visual, Linguistic) Contact lens case (Spatial, Visual) Batteries (Visual, Linguistic, Spatial) Written letter (Visual, Gestural, Linguistic) Eyedrops (Visual, Gestural, Spatial) Neosporin (Visual, Gestural)…
Exploring WordPress
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• •What did I do? Today I mainly spent time exploring WordPress and its features because this is my first blog so I’m just trying to familiarize myself with it as best as I can. I changed some colors on my dashboard and explored more themes as well although I still have not decided on one.…
First Post
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• •What I Did? I simply listened and made sure that I set up my blog correctly. Why I did it? I missed class on Monday and misread the directions on our class website, and for once, it worked out in my favor because I ended up creating my blog last night. I was worried about…