blog post for 3/16/15 -what i did- during this class period i talked to my lovely teacher about what i did over break! i think i’m in a good position […]
ENGL 3844
Working on Project 3
•What I Did, and Why I Did It This is a screenshot of a board of additional resources on Trello. I found a lot of these cards helpful as I was exploring how to use the site more. I also … Continue reading →
daily post, In-Class Posts
3/16/15: What I Did. Why I Did It
•What I Did: Today in class, I spent time working on the the outline of my essay in addition to adding a navigation structure to my pages. I decided to break up my essay into five different pages: a landing page for the project, an Overview page, a Design & Modes of Communications page, an […]
The Exploration Continues
•03.16.15 What I Did: Today I continued to reflect upon and dive into the advantages and disadvantages of MASHER as a video-editing/creating program. I watched the demo video provided by the site to see if I missed anything in the editing process and learned about some of the coming features of the site. I continued […]
spring break work!
•over spring break, i thoroughly checked out the tool i’m looking at (text2mindmap). i made vague list of strengths and weaknesses, then went back over it to organize each list […]
Project 3
Project 3 Progress
•What I did. Firstly, I added navigation tabs (Overview, Rhetorical Situation, Affordance and Constrains, and Conclusion) under the parent tab “Interrogate A Interface.” Next, I worked on filling out the analysis questions. Lastly, I tried to fix some of the issues I found when I was working on my interface previously, which was mainly the…