Example Essay

03.02.15 In reading the review of Editorially, I learned and thought about a lot for my own project and review of a tool. The main thing that stood out to me in this essay was the focus on the negative aspects of similar tools; I felt that the author talked down other projects with no […]

Lessons Learned from the Video Star Verdict

Today, a group of us assessed a project that analyzes the web interface Video Star Verdict. Here is the link to the project: https://sites.google.com/a/vt.edu/video-star-interrogating-the-interface/ It is evident that in this project’s essay the author doesn’t assume the reader has a prior knowledge about the interface. She includes all types of detailed information on how the tool […]

Applying What I Learned

Today in class, my group evaluated the example web essay “Haiku Deck.” After looking at this student’s interrogation of the Haiku Deck interface, I was able to take away some key items that are important to keep in mind when interrogating/analyzing an interface and presenting it on a blog. One thing that is important that […]

3/2 Interrogate the Interface Example Essay

Today in class we viewed a very in-depth student example for our next project, interrogate the interface. Overall my group thought that the student work was a great example for us as we embark on our own projects, and gave us a few ideas to take our projects to the next level. Two things that […]