Today we signed up for the tools we will investigate for Project 3. I chose Inklewriter, a tool for writing interactive stories online. This was my first choice because the tool is easy to use and has a lot of tutorials to teach me, it will be helpful for the final project for this class, […]
In-Class Posts, Project 3: Interrogate an Interface
Interface Choice
•The tool I chose to work with for project 3 is digital vaults because it seemed legitimate when I checked it out the other day. What drew me to this interface was how well the website was developed. It seemed very professional, easy to use, and the topic of historical archives sparked my interest. I […]
Uploading images to my blog
•I took a few images that I had on my computer and uploaded them as my header image and my background. Both images were ones that I took and that I thought reflect the overall message of my blog as well as me as a person. I think that they also represent a visual form […]
Title and tagline
•I used my name for my title because I wanted it to be clear that it was all bout me and make it easy to understand who the author is. It is definitely sunject to change and probably will at some point but I like it as that for now. As for my tagline, I […]
What I've Done & Why I've Done It
2/25/15- Choosing an Interface
•While looking through the Interface options on the Writing & Digital Media blog, I decided I wanted to work with an interface based around note taking or an organization tool, rather than any of the timeline for video/picture interfaces. Although I think I would have fun with some of the storytelling interfaces, I am most interested…Continue reading »
What I've Done & Why I've Done It
Affordances and Constraints
•I always struggle with autocorrect on my phone, as it tries to correct too much. I never used to struggle with autocorrect on Microsoft Word, but I now find myself often frustrated when it doesn’t automatically correct every little thing like I am used to with my phone. My iPhone annoys me when it tries to…Continue reading »