I Ducking Hate Autocorrect

“Zero Ducks Given” is now a running joke between my friends and me. Why you may ask? Lest semester, after feverishly power walking home after a long and exhausting day of classes, I was fed up. What does one do when they’re on edge like that? For me, the answer is aggressively text my best…

Experiences WIth Autocorrect

More often than not, I find myself really annoyed and frustrated with autocorrect. I know its purpose is to make it more convenient for people to type messages, but autocorrect frequently makes my texting experiences more difficult and time consuming than they should be. A common autocorrect fail that many people experience is f*** being […]

Using Autocorrect

I have had plenty of experiences with autocorrect correcting too many things.  It’s changed the meaning of what I was trying to say, and it’s changed the text to make no sense at all. The most common issue I have with autocorrect is when it “remembers” how I have typed things in the past.  It […]

Awkward Autocorrect

02.23.15 I don’t usually pay attention to autocorrect unless it is making a mistake. Most of the time I rely on it for basic corrections, such as adding apostrophes in words like “don’t” or “couldn’t” when I am feeling lazy. I also use it when I can’t figure out how to spell a word – […]