Experiences with Autocorrect

I have had many experiences with Autocorrect on my iPhone in many different contexts. Whether it is in an email app or the messenger app, I have had many of my attempts at a specific meaning botched by autocorrect. Recently, I was texting my roommate about going to a movie later that day. When I […]

**** You, Autocorrect

This is the post for the February 23, 2015 class meeting. My most recent encounter with an autocorrect mishap happened this morning, actually. Last night, while watching the Oscars, I was SO excited when Lady Gaga and Julie Andrews hugged onstage after Gaga’s amazing tribute to The Sound of Music. I was live tweeting up […]

Adventures in Autocorrecting

I have a group message on my phone with my roommate from freshman year and my best friend, who lived across the hall from us. We all have iPhones, and we have all messed up a message from time to time, but none were really memorable until one of us tried to type the word “bitch” […]

Autocorrect Stories

I have had many experiences with auto correct, not only with my use of it but someone else typing it to me as well. My advisor at Tech’s name is Dr. Evia, and when I type this on g-mail, it automatically corrects to “Dr. Evil”. Fortunately, I always read over my e-mails (especially professional ones) […]


I had many autocorrect fails while I was in high school.  We would always use the school computers that wouldn’t save our preferences and would reset every time we logged on.  Well, this was always an issue for my last name.  Microsoft Word would always autocorrect my last name from Vogrig to Virgin.  Knowing that […]

Experience with autocorrect and autocomplete…

My biggest experiences with autocorrect and autocomplete happen in the writing center. I am a writing center tutor and I deal with a lot of ESL students. The autocorrect and autocomplete on Word messes them up a lot because it will underline grammar or words that are supposedly spelled wrong or used wrong, even when…
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