Revision Plan

Here is the link for my rough cut: (I’ll probably do some work on it today or tomorrow, though, so it could be updated by the time you look at it!) Both of my partners provided really good feedback. Trent suggested switching my menus to have the “Who Am I” menu appear above “The Story.” This […]

Project 4 Feedback

Suggestions & What I Still Need to Do:
-add profile pictures/cover photo
-add pictures in some of the posts
-add likes and comments
-add more color in posts
I literally still need to do everything they suggested!

April 22

Peer Review/Revision Plan After having my rough cut reviewed by two other classmates, there are a few things that I need to change. I was told that the overall idea and the start of my graphic looks pretty good and is creative (which is the risk I’m taking by making a graphic from scratch). Going […]

New Friends, New Ideas

Today I talked to Allie and Christa about how my project was coming along thus far.  They liked what I had done and they liked the concept and just gave me some general pointers on what to watch out for.  I know that I need to work on the Home page and the description of […]

Revision Plan

In our group revision session, I asked Krista and Katharina for some help on the method to cite my sources. Since I’ll be tweeting things and adding quotes from the book/movie, I wanted to be sure to give credit where needed. However, Katharina suggested I make an excel sheet and add it as an attachment […]

4/22/15: Revision Plan

Today in Peer Review we shared our rough cuts in groups of three. I was so happy because my group LOVED what I had done for my project so far. After hearing the comments from Peer Review, there is not much that I need to change because it seems like I am headed in the […]