•Listening to the presentations, the tool I would most likely use was the ThinkLink tool. I thought the concept of embedding links into an image was a cool concept and allows images to serve a more dynamic function. I really liked Erica’s idea of making an image of a city have links to the buildings as a […]
Nature through GoPro
Nature through GoPro 3/23/15
•Parkour in nature:
ENGL 3844
Project 3 Presentations – Day 1
•Enjoying the beautiful Appalachian trail with my lovely boyfriend. Great times, great weather! I actually missed today’s class, but I know there was a presentation on ThingLink. I think this is such a unique/cool interface, and I’m strongly considering using … Continue reading →
Day 1 of Presentations, 3/23
•Today was the first day of presentations for Project 3, Interrogating an Interface. While I enjoyed listening to everyone’s presentations and learning about all of the different interfaces, I found Caroline’s interface, PearlTrees to have the most potential to be useful and effective. It’s funny because PearlTrees was my number one choice interface to interrogate […]
In-Class Posts, Project 3: Interrogate an Interface
Project Presentations
•I liked the tool Audioboom because i’m very into music. I’ve always made my friends CD’s since I can remember, so I would definitely use it to share music with my friends. Overall, the presentation was good and the tool Audioboom seems useful.