What makes a good remix? Based on the assignment details and project examples, I think creativity is a huge part of what makes a good remix. Remixing stories in a way that relates to modern life and technology is also a strong technique. Adding modern-day-college-student elements to the fictional stories and classics set in a…Continue reading »
Author: flemingmb
Presentation Preferences– Inklewriter
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• •Of the interfaces presented in class today, I was most interested in the tool, Inklewriter. I love writing of any kind and am always looking to improve. That being said, I think creative writing is an area where I could use the most practice. The only creative writing I have done since high school (or maybe even…Continue reading »
Class presentations project 3
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• •Two tools presented in class that I would be PresentationTube and Trello. Although I’m not a great photographer and photography isn’t necessarily one of my hobbies, I love looking at other people’s pictures, especially in series. I think PresentationTube would be a fun tool to use, mainly explore other peoples work, but also to create…Continue reading »
Fetchnotes Powerpoint Presentation
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• •What I Did & Why–Checklist
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• •Checklist Observations: 1. Areas of analysis–I have covered most of the rhetorical situation so far for my web essay. However, I have not considered author and genre and will need to put more thought into that. The design choices of Fetchnotes was probably the easiest area of analysis for me to complete as well as…Continue reading »
Interface Presentations
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• •The “Thing Link” application sounded the most interesting to me. The audio tools and movie tool that were presented didn’t seem like they would be of much use for me, and although Coggle sounded useful at first, I had changed my mind about it by the end of the presentation. The only app that I kept…Continue reading »
Project 3 Peer Review
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• •What I heard in peer review: My partner and I both hadn’t uploaded most of our actual written work to our blogs, and instead have the information in a Word doc, or an Evernote note, in my case. We had the basics set up on our WordPress blogs with place holders for our information, but the…Continue reading »
What I Did & Why (3/18/15)
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• •What I Did: 1. Organized my WordPress blog by adding categories and subcategories as well as changing the menu. 2. Planned out the rest of the web essay for my Interrogate an Interface project Why I Did It: 1. I have been wanting to go back and organize my Professional Pizza WordPress class posts for a…Continue reading »
Project 3 progress- What I Did & Why
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• •What I Did: Today I began the work for my project by looking over the notes I had taken over break while exploring the basics and features of Fetchnotes. I then went through the notes pictured above and starred the positive things, or what I may consider affordances, and circled notes that could be considered constraints….Continue reading »
Fetchnotes First Steps Screenshots
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• •1. Create a Fetchnotes account 2. Go through the automated introduction steps upon creating an account 3. Create a first post 4. Explore the 6 options along the bottom of notes (Edit Note, Add Attachment to Note, Collapse Note, Delete Note, Archive Note, the direct link to the note) 5. Add an image attachment (screenshot…Continue reading »